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I erred – medjugorje is NOT false

I have stated in the past my belief that the Medjugorje happenings, as a Marian event, are not to be trusted. I believed that completely.

I now accept that my belief has been based on false evidence. In particular I was influenced by a video which showed a man suddenly make to jab at a visionary in the eye to which she reacted while supposedly in a trance state. A weird occurrence. One that suggested the unreliable nature of their messages. More recently I have had to acknowledge that in the cloud warning Image she gave me at Knock it shows the visionary Mirjana, right side of cloud Image with our blessed Lady looking down at her. I rejected this fact as it made no sense because of my belief in Medguorje as false. I reckoned that it would eventually be explained as the Spirit does not err.

I have had doubts about Pope Francis also because he has given the ok to go to Medjugorje and pray. I also put into a post that when on a visit to Knock while he was there, I observed two young men kissing each other on the mouth right in front of me. That particular event made me to reject pope Francis’ legitimacy too. The Jesuit Fr Martin was present at that weekend and he it is that draws the homosexuals to the church and seeks obviously to legitimise them contrary to God’s law. Pope Francis responded vaguely when asked about the homosexual movement by his stating “Who am I to judge?”

Of course I had much encouragement from some American bloggers, The Remnant more notably. Some promote catholicism, and the latin rite also. Quite an easy path to follow especially after pope BenedictXVI had reintroduced that rite.

Briefly, I loved the latin rite and so, I used to attend at the SSPX church here in Limerick city. Until our blessed Lady made it abundantly clear to me that Jesus was not there. I informed the SSPX priests of what had occurred but they have not accepted this.

Cardinal Burke is a good friend to those priests too, I attended a wonderful mass where he celebrated in full regalia the latin rite with them.

Many are the occurrences that have shown me that I was grievously wrong to make judgements on Pope Francis. There just isn’t the time to put all occurrences here as my time is limited plus, I haven‘t put anything up here in quite some time. Reason I am now putting this post is to correct my previous errors.

Knock – June 2019

Image 05-04-2019 at 20.17 (1)

This coming June 8th, 2019, I’ll be back up in Knock.
Bus trip with a group from the wooden church up on the Hyde road, leaving 9am.
Knock is where things happen – quietly & constantly.
Where the Queen of Ireland presented me with the WARNING Image in the cloud back in 2016. (stand well back from the Image to see Pope Francis- lower half of Image, between Sts.John & St.Joseph plus, in front of his face is the Blessed Virgin Mary, as seen in the painting with the Augustinians, so stand well back – Image retains a 3-dimensional effect) 

Recently I realised the lower centre in the Image shows Pope Francis and he is clearly in a very dangerous place there, evident by the changes he has wrought and much more besides.

The Image is a dire warning to all and especially to the catholic church.
When Pope Francis visited (2018) I wondered why I was called there.
As I walked away following the Pope’s departure all that presented of note was the two young men who kissed each other on the lips right in front of me.
I realised immediately why She had me go there at that time.

Papal cross in phoenix park, dublin, ireland

Francis at Knock

Given the fact that Pope Francis is telling all and sundry that homosexuality is perfectly OK, I understand now why this happened in front of me at Knock.

Following that event, She sent me with a copy of the Image to Fr.Walsh PP at Our Lady of Lourdes Hyde rd.

He it is that is taking us to Knock this time. I expect an occurrence. I live in hope but I know now that matters here in Ireland are truly grave.

Knock meet June 2019

Fine Tuned Edit (1 of 1)





Beware – Medjugorje is FALSE!

Image 05-04-2019 at 20.17 (1)

Medjugorje (scroll back to beginning of that video) is being dragged into the limelight and this time it is worrying. Because even though Pope Francis is saying nothing stronger than off-the-cuff comments, by giving such permission he is placing division and chaos within the Church.

This development will cause schism and many already leaning away will turn fully away from Pope Francis and the church because of this. He is doing great harm by this and I personally believe, he does not care. More and more now we must pray for our Pope as that is the instruction given us by the blessed Virgin at Fatima. 

Those misled gullible catholics already accepting the lie of Medjugorje will now be encouraged to form up and denounce all who state the truth.  

I’ve been pondering a long time why Satan would appear to encourage catholics to pray the rosary while at the same time surreptitiously denouncing the message of the Gospel – such that many have completely ignored he truth – including now it seems Pope Francis and  his apostolic nuncio in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Luigi Pezzuto, and Archbishop Henryk Hoser, the pope’s special envoy sent by him to Medjugorje.

Declaring that there is grace there is a non-statement by our Pope as that statement can be said of any place where any group pray the rosary together. 

Back in 1982 the ‘seers’ reported the fraudster stating that “charity is as nothing next to fasting”, however the website now reads: “charity cannot replace fasting”, that was July 21st 1982. Anyone not understanding the depth and implicit falseness of that statement is seriously lacking in knowledge of the gospels which tell us emphatically that charity is the central point, theme and focus of the message of Jesus. For instance, when the Samaritan helped the man he found lying on the side of the road, putting him in lodgings and paying for his stay while he recovered, Medjugorje would instead have him leave the man lying where he found him and opt to go and fast for him instead. Clear?

For charity, read love.

This move by Pope Francis is putting a clarifying sense over that question I have pondered from the beginning of the Medjugorje business.

Satan is very clever and has been setting this up possibly as his last gasp effort before he finally gets his lackey to sit on the Chair of Peter.

St Francis of Assisi did warn us that the Anti-christ Pope will not be canonically elected so that has to happen first and seems to me this Medjugorje scam is indicating that it’s already being put in place and may be about to happen soon.

Pope Francis certainly knows how to sow confusion, as when he gave us his take on love in Amoris Letitia. The four cardinals who queried his pronouncements were ignored by him. Love does not confuse but confusion put as Love will always do so.

Pope Francis in Error

Catholic Information

Venerable Conchita: Mystic, Messenger to Priests, & Spiritual Mother, was today declared ‘blessed’.

The image above is specifically associated with her I believe, and in searching for information about her, I came across the link below, so I pass it on here.

Catholic Site



For This Divine Mercy Sunday


Last night I listened to a priest tell of a conversation he’d had with an old retiring priest when he was in training and just starting out on the road he has travelled now for over thirty years. That old retiring priest asked the young trainee priest if he knew what the toughest subject is to preach about.

The enthusiastic young priest rattled off a litany of potentials including Satan, Sin, punishment, judgement, etc, etc, and the old priest said no to each answer from the young priest; which left the young man baffled.

So he asked the old priest to tell him what the answer is.

He said Love. He said you preach about Love, people just tune out.

Give them Satan, give them Hell and Damnation, give them fire and brimstone, they’ll just lap it up. But talk about Love and very quickly you’ll realise you’re just talking to yourself.

So do you want to know what Love is?




I’d been pondering the hidden side in this ‘trans’ business, in the foolish and powerful LGBGT brigade. Brigade because there is a war going on and foolish because in rejecting God’s Word, God is rejected.

The bible gives us three clear instances where trans is used; transfiguration, transubstantiation and transgressor. Doubtless there are more but these are the first three that popped into my head when I first began to wonder what God might have said about just what was going on. Already here in Ireland, God has been emphatically rejected with just a small faithful still following. We have legalised abortion and sodomy.

For abortion we were given the refusal of Savita Halappanavar’s doctor to do her job so Savita’s death was put front and centre in twisting truth in a highly charged referendum which resulted in taking away all protection for babies being formed in the womb.

And for sodomy it was put that love and sodomy are no different from one another. The lie in Ireland was accepted. Excusing lying is easy when intellect fails and is the norm where God is rejected. 

So to the cardinal, he gave me the word transhumanism! Just what I was looking for, a word I’ve never heard of while the idiocy of humanism I have heard of. He says this;

“Gender ideology is a Luciferian refusal to receive a sexual nature from God”.


“With regard to homosexual behaviors, let us not fall into the trap of the manipulators. There is no “homosexual problem” in the Church. There is a problem of sins and infidelity. Let us not perpetuate the vocabulary of LGBT ideology. Homosexuality does not define the identity of persons. It describes certain deviant, sinful, and perverse acts. For these acts, as for other sins, the remedies are known. We must return to Christ, and allow him to convert us. When the fault is public, the penalties provided for by Church law must be applied. Punishment is merciful, an act of charity and fraternal love. Punishment restores the damage done to the common good and permits the guilty party to redeem himself. Punishment is part of the paternal role of bishops. Finally, we must have the courage to clearly apply the norms regarding the acceptance of seminarians. Men whose psychology is deeply and permanently anchored in homosexuality, or who practice duplicity and lying, cannot be accepted as candidates for the priesthood”.

Read his words here


Truth Hurts

Image 21-04-2019 at 16.08

Is Ireland’s government blocking this too? I really don’t know, nor do I care. Many governments the world-over have been anti-God through the centuries so this is nothing new to God. But it’s new again here in Ireland. Previously, our British invader banned God by successfully using hunger to coerce. One particularly horrifying event gave us the word ‘boycott’. The current lunacy that has taken hold of so many in Ireland is also horrifying.

Blessed Solanus Casey calls all who believe there is no God – fools. He quotes directly: Psalm 13.1 & Psalm 53.2 and, whenever in a face to face with a self confessed atheist he would state clearly; ‘you are a damned fool’.

No other time does the bible permit we call any man a fool.

Be informed

Just one example of the ton of excuses stirred by this film





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